Suppose you are not getting a considerable amount of clicks on your website, it is about time you step up your search engine optimization (SEO) game. No game? Not an issue. An SEO specialist Malaysia is born ready to help.

As the king of keywords, they are equipped with the skills and mastery needed to analyse, review, implement changes and generate more traffic for your website. This indicates maximising your traffic by improving your page rank within search engines.

In layman terms, an SEO specialist Malaysia takes charge to make your website show up at the front page and the top of search engine results by availing themselves of in-depth knowledge of keyword research, SEO copywriting and serving as a liaison between various departments in a company. 

Years ago, this vocation looked a lot different than it does presently, and it calls for an entirely refined, and different skill-set compared to what was needed back then. 

What are the Roles & Responsibilities of a Contemporary SEO Specialist Malaysia?

(source : Workable Resources)

A job description of the said expert goes beyond digging and mining keywords. Attempt to visualise every different component that forms the entirety of a sound SEO strategy, and it will become prominent that the daily routine of an SEO specialist can face a number of variations. 

1) Keyword Research 

Google’s algorithms are ever-changing, the same goes to how it determines the workability of websites. However, they have yet to remove keywords from the equation, indicating that keywords still have a big role to play for more searches. An SEO specialist Malaysia will conduct a thorough keyword research to pinpoint popularity, competitiveness, and relevance to create the best possible list of keywords to target. 

2) Optimization

As emphasised millions and billions of time over, SEO takes more than just keywords, and optimization will always be part of the role as an SEO specialist Malaysia. This encompasses on-page optimisation, to ensure quality accentuated content, desirable metadata, a neat HTML structure, internal links, and pages that load efficiently. It also involves the testing of various elements to determine ways to improve conversion rates on any given webpage.

3) Link Building

Apart from your websites and content, Google also pays immense attention to what others are “saying” about you. By “saying”, we mean a link to. When other websites link to yours, it displays a vote of confidence in your content, and one that Google will take into account when ranking you. An SEO specialist Malaysia will be on a lookout for opportunities to get other websites to link to yours, legitimately.

4) URL Building

It is normal to have multiple types of campaigns running simultaneously, driving traffic to your webpages. You may seek clarification as to which traffic is coming from which source. To exemplify, some users might click on a link in a newsletter or in a Facebook post. They might get to your website from a tweet or an advertisement. An SEO specialist Malaysia will “build” unique, and easily identifiable URLs for each of these sources so you can determine precisely where traffic comes from. 

5) Analytics

The only way to discern what is working is to look at analytics. An SEO specialist Malaysia keeps up a habit of checking analytics regularly to find out how websites, landing pages, and keywords are performing, as well as to grasp a clearer view of where traffic is coming from.

6) Mobile Optimization 

In this era where digital technology reigns supreme, mobile matters more than ever now. While Google announced that they would be using the mobile-first index in 2018, it probably won’t be an ongoing endeavour but initially, at the barest of minimum, it is vital to make sure that all web content is mobile-friendly. An SEO specialist Malaysia has your back for that matter.

7) Be Up-To-Date

An SEO specialist Malaysia is committed to read articles, blogs, and forums to align with changes and developments in SEO. Google has a habit of tweaking, constantly, and it is important to know what it is up to not be caught off guard.

8) Staying Focused 

In today’s fast-paced world where emails, texts, and chat messages are competing for attention, not to mention tweets and colleagues, many things will not cease to distract the focus of an SEO specialist Malaysia; however, one that is capable of taking up the job will stay considerably concentrated when on mission.

9) Liaise with Other Digital Marketing Teams

An SEO specialist Malaysia will spend a significant amount of time working alongside other teams that form the entirety of a sound digital marketing effort. Social media marketing and SEO come hand in hand to boost brand awareness and thus authority (something Google will look into when ranking you). Another example would be the content marketing team where both work alongside one another to produce well-optimised content for SEO and devise initiatives & strategies that work. 

What Attributes does a Successful SEO Specialist Malaysia Possess?

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(source : Eternity)

1) Strong Analytical Skills 

SEO is all about analysing data and making wise decisions in accordance with the data achieved. A winning SEO specialist must be able to analyse and decipher data to formulate strategic decisions concerning the improvement of the website’s ranking.

2) Able to Pick Oneself Back Up From Failure

While SEO is constantly changing, an SEO specialist must be willing to learn and play around with different techniques and finally, identify which one works best for their client. 

3) In-Depth Knowledge of SEO Techniques 

An SEO specialist Malaysia that is considered successful must be equipped with the state-of-the-art SEO techniques to keep up with the competition. They must be able to devise various methods to enhance the visibility and ranking of the given websites.

4) Excellent Communication Skills 

It is also one of his or her many responsibilities to communicate effectively and unambiguously with clients and other teammates to attain the envisioned goals. 

5) Intense Fondness for SEO

Being passionate about the job scope motivates the SEO specialist to stay in the forefront of the latest trends and techniques. 

What are the Career Developments for an SEO Specialist Malaysia? 

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(source : TierPoint)

1) SEO Manager 

An SEO manager oversees every possible aspect of any running SEO campaign. They work alongside clients to pinpoint the best list of keywords, optimise the websites and construct links to the given websites. They also create and implement a functional content marketing strategy that captivates the attention of website visitors. 

2) SEO Consultant

An SEO consultant provides services to clients either on a freelance basis or under a specific SEO agency. They work with clients to improve the visibility and ranking of their websites. 

3) SEO Analyst 

An SEO analyst works closely with clients to keep track of the progress of any ongoing SEO campaign and eventually, analyse the results. They gather reports either on a weekly or monthly basis concerning the websites’ performance and determine areas of improvement.

4) Technical SEO Expert 

A technical SEO expert specialises in the technical aspects of every SEO endeavour from website speed, search engine crawling, to indexing and overall website structure. They work alongside clients to make sure that the website is perfectly-configured, in order for Google to easily crawl through or index the content. 

5) Establish an SEO Business

Who says you can only work for people? You can work for yourself too! This encompasses setting up a website, creating a marketing strategy and sourcing for clients who seek SEO services.

What Tools Does an SEO Specialist Malaysia Utilise?

(source : Single Grain)

1) Google Analytics 

This free web analytics tool helps track the traffic and engagement on your website. It offers insightful details regarding how visitors are interacting with your website and pinpoint areas of improvement.

2) Google Search Console 

This free tool from Google helps track the visibility of your website in Google search results. It also offers valuable insights concerning the performance of your website and helps detect any possible errors which may be the culprit of your website’s undesirable ranking. 

3) Ahrefs 

This all-inclusive SEO tool comes in handy for a variety of reasons, including searching for high-volume keywords, analysing competitors’ website & backlinks, evaluating your website’s SEO well-being and many more!

4) SEMrush

One of the most popular SEO tools out there used to boost website ranking, organic traffic, and many others. It features a variety of functions including competitor analysis, backlink monitoring, keyword research, as well as site audits. It works best for small businesses who aspire to enhance their visibility online. 

5) Moz

This belongs to an online SAAS that measures and tracks website rankings on search engines. It also functions equally well to conduct keyword research, backlinks, and various other aspects of the website that can push its ranking to the top. It comes with a PRO subscription that opens up the door to more features such as rank tracker, site-auditor, and so on. 

How Much Does an SEO Specialist Malaysia Earn Monthly? 

(source : Robert Half)

Finally the answer everybody is longing for – SEO specialist salary Malaysia. Depending on the agency one is working for and one’s experience & skill set, but on average, an SEO specialist Malaysia can earn up to RM3,000 to RM8,000 per month, which is considerably plentiful. 

How to Become an SEO Specialist Malaysia ?

(source : Hiredly)

Are you considering taking up this vocation? Here are some steps you may follow : 

1) Enrol Yourself for an SEO Course

The best possible way to become an SEO specialist Malaysia is to opt for an extensive SEO course where you acquire all the essential skills and knowledge to start laying your hands on SEO campaigns.

2) Apply for an SEO Job

Once you are well-equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge, you may start looking for jobs in this precise field of interest. This is where things get real. You will get first-hand experience working with veterans on SEO campaigns. 

3) Stay in the Forefront of Latest Trends & Techniques 

It is important to stay extremely alert to contemporary trends and techniques, the best way to do so is by reading blogs and participating in SEO conferences. 

4) Non-Stop Practising

If you want to be in the industry for a long time, you need to be willing to practise non-stop. That is how you improve. 

5) Stay Motivated 

This field is constantly changing and evolving at a fast pace, hence extra effort is needed to achieve the best results. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is an SEO Specialist a Good Vocation?

Yes, without a doubt, it is a considerably good vocation. While digital technology is reigning supreme, this job is extremely high in demand. 

What Are the Qualifications Needed to Become an SEO Specialist?

A bachelor degree in communications, marketing, or its equivalent; any degrees or courses that equip you with necessary skills and knowledge pertaining to SEO. 

How Long Does it Take to Become an SEO Specialist? 

Vary across individuals, typically it takes about 3 to 6 months. Having said that, with adequate dedication and hardwork, it shouldn’t take too long. 

Is It a Challenging Job?

Frankly speaking, nothing is easy, but becoming an SEO expert shouldn’t be too difficult of a task. As stressed above, it calls for dedication and hardwork. With the right training and experience, nothing is impossible. 

Taking a Step Forward 

In essence, SEO is a rather complex field which demands a lot of dedication and hardwork to be successful in. Give us a holler today if you deemed SEO is a little too difficult for you to handle yourself. Our team of SEO specialist Malaysia is equipped with the expertise and experience essential to help boost your website traffic and improve your search engine rankings. Contact us and discover the variety of professional SEO services we have to offer.

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